Scorpio Professional Profile
(October 23 - November 22)
By C. Latrice
Scorpio is strangely beautiful and will be unpredictable yet brilliant. You will be attracted to this personality for reasons unknown to you; but the fact of the matter is, you will be subconsciously trying to solve the mystery that they are. These natural leaders are a strong presence who search for deeper meaning in all things and give desired people or projects their undivided attention. They are the personification of the phrase still waters run deep, and they possess the internal power to turn challenge into success.
The Scorpio boss will direct their team to greatness. They expect no less than the best from everyone; of course, the best is all they are willing to give of themselves. They do not accept excuses and will not tolerate any behavior that could lead to failure. The motivating expression of this sign is infectious and anyone interacting with them will begin to feel that they too can accomplish anything they desire.
The Astrology of Success: A Guide to Illuminate Your Inborn Gifts for Achieving Career Success & Life Fulfillment
Scorpio would prefer to be behind the scenes, laying a strong foundation for a prosperous team. They do not need the limelight and have no interest in soaking up glory. Genuine gratification is experienced when projects are successfully completed and everyone gets their due credit. Help your Scorpio boss reach their goals by doing your part and they will surely remember your work ethic when it is time for promotions. This sign rewards as generously as possible.
The magnetism of your Scorpio co-worker may cause it to be a little difficult to focus on what they are saying during interactions. Instead you may be focused on their interesting mannerisms and the way they are speaking. This passionate person will speak with feeling and have the ability to get you emotionally involved with their professional endeavors. Get excited with them about their cause and they will show you kindness like you have never experienced before as you work alongside these deeply driven individuals.
Peace, Love & Success! Chanel Latrice | UniverSoulPower Network
About the Author: C. Latrice is the author of "Success Astrology: Professional Profiles," a free ebook. As former manager of internationally outsourced teams of software quality analysts for Fortune 500 companies, C. Latrice has traded in the corporate hat for entreprenuership which enables professional progress while helping others experience a sense of peace, success and wholeness. C. Latrice on Twitter
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