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    Astrology Articles

    Libra Professional Profile

    (September 23 - October 22

    By C. Latrice

    Photo of C. Latrice

    Well-polished Libra's goals will be centered on bringing balance into their lives to include their work environment. They usually act in fairness but do not mind tipping the scales to lean in their favor whenever possible. This charming individual will be a social butterfly who can draw people into them and captivate their listener with ease. They expect to be admired for their grace and eloquence; compliments and flattery are always welcome.

    The dichotomy of this sophisticate is that on the surface it seems as though their efforts are for the Greater Good; but if one looks carefully enough, it is revealed that Libra is somehow equally benefiting on a personal level.

    If you have Libra as a boss, you will have to do more than just respect them professionally. Libra loves to be liked, and it is important to them that they are also appreciated for who they are and not just what they do. This supportive sign will be sure to provide whatever you need so that you can get the job done right. After all, your exemplary performance will ultimately make them look good.

    The Astrology of Success:
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    Libra does not mind being a friend to make a friend, so feel free to share a little bit of your personal life to break the coldness that sometimes exists between co-workers. Their calm demeanor can be misleading as your Libra co-worker may struggle to make decisions since they are constantly weighing both sides of a thing. Do not hesitate to share your opinion, they will embrace it.

    This instinctual being will seem to know if something is troubling you so it is best to volunteer details of any obstacles that you run into while attempting to complete tasks or projects. They are more than glad to assist as it will give them the opportunity to put their own talents on display. Sentimental Libra will always see you in a favorable light if you do something nice for them in order to show gratitude for their help.

    Peace, Love & Success! Chanel Latrice | UniverSoulPower Network

    About the Author: C. Latrice is the author of "Success Astrology: Professional Profiles," a free ebook. As former manager of internationally outsourced teams of software quality analysts for Fortune 500 companies, C. Latrice has traded in the corporate hat for entreprenuership which enables professional progress while helping others experience a sense of peace, success and wholeness. C. Latrice on Twitter

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