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Related Article - Romantic Compatibility of Leo through the signs.
The Sexual Compatibility of
LEO and LEO It's a potent combination. When these two strong signs collide, there is no stopping them. The energy of this attraction is very strong. Both will love playing together. It is only a matter of time before these two charismatic signs attract and "get their space". This association can work but boundaries must be recognized early on and only if both want to make it last. Both are obstinate, reliable and faithful by nature so there is an element of lasting relationship to be had. Problems occur when one is not stroking the other Leo's affectionate ego. Secrets and rumors could spoil the relationship.
Leo Couples: Madonna and Sean Penn Sean Penn and Charlize Theron Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Jennifer Lopez and Cris Judd Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez.
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