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Spectrum: 7th and last color of the spectrum
Planet: Jupiter Element: Fire Gemstone:
Sapphire Metal: Tin Musical Note: B - sacred music,
Attributes: Nobility, spiritual aspiration, honor and
self-esteem. Magnetic, tense, powerful, healing, spiritual, meditative,
religious, royal and divine. Medically, it cools the nerves and is
Characteristics: Purple personalities strive to
better themselves spiritually, mentally and emotionally. They are
voracious readers, constantly seeking knowledge, particularly in tales of
the lives of others. Wanting a greater spiritual connection, they love the
subjects of theology and religion. Thus armed, they love to spread their
findings to others to help them on their spiritual paths.
perfectionists, they are prone to self-sabotage by being overly critical
of themselves. In an extreme form, those who like the muted shades of
purple can become religious zealots who feel the God given right to judge
others and mete out retribution. The search for spirit is lost in their
Those who favor darker purple work to find inner peace
and love and a connection to God or their higher power. As givers, they
are fine friends as they don't seem to ask much for themselves. If they do
seek help from another and are not clear in their desire, they may resent
the fact that their request is not forthcoming. They can develop a
hard-done-by attitude in this case. Over-functioner resenting