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Spectrum: 1st color - the lowest of the seven
spectrum colors Planet: Mars - God of War Element:
Fire Gemstone: Ruby Metal: Iron Musical
Note: C - the lowest note on the scale - martial music
Attributes: Strength, force, power, control and leadership.
Stimulation, warmth, excitement. Good health, physical energy, love, sex,
passion, courage, protection. Birth, life and death, birth and volcanic
eruptions. Red is the chief color in any herbs or medicines having a
heating and stimulating effect, such as cayenne, cloves or musk.
Characteristics: A person who likes red can express many
personality traits. The positive ones being passion, energy, and money
making. The darker manifestations of those who favor reddish-brown colors
can be addictions such as drugs, alcohol, eating disorders or emotional
instability. Red-oranges are dynamic people persons who love the
High emotions are characteristic of those who like red with blue
overtones. They can be energetic people to be with. Red personalities are seductive.
Men are attracted to a woman wearing red regardless of how good looking
she may be. Business people who wish to stand out wear red to meetings,
expressing their desire for power and control. They crave the
The red personality makes others feel more energetic and vital. This
personality may have a volatile temperament but cools off just as quickly.
A bit of a know-it-all, the red person is quick to give others answers to
any question. What they don't know, they will find out, as they are
terrified of appearing stupid. They want everything done in a hurry. They
are expert power nappers when they run out of energy and then bounce back
as before.
Red personalities feel all powerful and convince others
that they are but they do not make good leaders. Under proper direction,
they do make good followers and have no problems doing whatever needs
doing to finish a job. A bit scattered, red personalities can go off on
tangents, their attention span being limited. Quick minded, bright people,
when focused, they can be very determined.