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| SPIRITUALITY Articles 15 Ways Your Subconscious or Guides Give You Information and How to Ask for It By Stephen Petullo Author of Half on the Other Side: How Ancient Spiritual Techniques Helped Me Deal with Substance Abuse, Depression, Sexuality, Gender, and Love Asking professionals or loved ones for advice, and researching a concern, can be helpful. But ultimately, your soul knows what's best for you, and it's not always easy to perceive with the distractions of your mind and life. I recommend (also) asking your soul, guides of the Light, (your) God, and/or any other energies of the Light you pray to. Guides of the Light are happy to help you when you ask. Please don't seek or request help from the negative or demonic side, or you'll regret it and be indebted to it. Here's the simple process I use to ask for help: - Relax and do a short meditation.
- Call out to God, my soul, and guides of the Light. Sometimes archangel Michael if I feel the need for protection.
- Explain the situation like I would to a good friend or therapist.
- Ask for help and be specific about what and why I need it. Ask that the help/insight be clear and obvious, if possible, so I can perceive and understand it.
- Feel gratitude and have faith for their love and assistance, and for helping me do what I need to do for my goal.
Tip: A "gratitude meditation" can be especially helpful. Focus on feeling grateful for realizing the best plan or path for your goal, help with something, knowing the next step of what to do and when, or something else. Focus on being grateful for the general desired outcome (and if it's the best one for you) so your soul/subconscious/spiritual helpers can fill in the details. Express it over and over as you breathe deeply and relax. Also try chanting "OM" with each exhale, and/or imagining you're protected by a bubble of light as bright as the sun. Tip: A "nap meditation" is one of the easiest ways to perceive insight. Before you nap or go to sleep at night, ask your question to your guides of the Light. Feel a strong need to know the answer. Then let go and go to sleep. Relax in the comfort, faith, and gratitude that your subconscious, soul, and/or guides of the Light will figure it out for you. You may get insight during that in-between awakened and sleep state, soon after your nap or sleep, or you may realize it in the coming days. Watch for signs after asking for help: 15 Ways Your Subconscious or Guides Give You Information - Meditative state: Sometimes taking a moment to relax and breathe can be the best way to receive messages from your spirit guides. It will also help you be better able to determine if insight is coming from your mind, or outside of yourself. Walking in nature, art, writing, music and even housework can also help you get out of your way so insight filters through.
- Intuition: Trust your gut, slow down, and pay attention. That little voice or subtle feeling might be your guides or subconscious mind trying to nudge you in the right direction.
- Nature's whispers: Have you ever stopped to listen to the birds chirping or the leaves rustling? Your spirit guides might be trying to send you a message through nature. For example, if you see a butterfly, it could be a sign that you're going through a transformation and your guides are cheering for you.
- Dreams: Pay attention to your dreams, as they might be messages from your subconscious mind or spirit guides. Dreams can be symbolic, so contemplate what the symbolism means to you. Reoccurring dreams can sometimes be past-life related.
- Synchronicities: If you keep seeing the same numbers or word, running into the same people, or having similar experiences, your subconscious or spirit guides might be trying to get your attention. Or if you keep hearing a specific song, it could be a sign that your spirit guides want you to pay attention to the lyrics and see what message they have for you.
- Visions: Notice what you perceive and what it means to you. When you're relaxed and clear of spiritual clutter, it's easier to decipher between visions based on fear or fantasy, or those from guides.
- Physical sensations: Sometimes your body might be the messenger for your spirit guides.
- Emotional reactions: If you feel a strong reaction to a certain situation or person, take a moment to consider why you're feeling that way, and if it's based on fears (valid or not), or guidance from outside yourself.
- Signs in the environment: Seeing feathers could be a sign that your spirit guides are helping you.
- Animals can also be messengers of your spirit guides. If a specific animal or bird stands out to you, consider what it represents to you. Books, TV shows, and movies: Your spirit guides might use media to send you messages. If you keep seeing the same or similar book, for example, consider what it means to you.
- Deja vu: Notice what's going on in that moment and what the message might be for you. Deja vu can also be an awareness of places, words, or scenes your subconscious mind remembers from the past or future.
- Physical sensations: Spirit guides sometimes use physical sensations to communicate with you. For example, goosebumps could be a sign of truth, but they can also be a fear reaction. Or if you feel a sudden surge of energy after hearing about a new idea or product, it might be a sign that's a good option for you.
- Flashbacks and memories: Unexpected memories or flashbacks can be a sign that your subconscious mind or guides are trying to communicate something important to you. Pay attention to the emotions and feelings tied to these memories, as they can provide insight into unresolved issues or conflicts, or clues about a path forward.
- Sudden realizations: "Aha" moments can also be signs from your subconscious mind or guides, especially if they are surprising.
- Remain open-minded and trust that your guides have your back to perceive more guidance.
Tip: Do you want to be more aware of spiritual guidance and when to act on it? Clear your energy! Spiritual clutter can be so heavy at times it's like a fog that distorts your perception. One way is with the easy 10-minute Spiritual Detox Script in chapter 5 of my free ebook download Your Soul Knows. Doing so will also help you let go of fears and stress, and protect from spiritual troublemakers. I adapted some of this content from my book Your Soul Knows, available free for a limited time: Copyright (c) Stephen Petullo Learn more about spiritual myths, meditation and how to use it to your advantage, and much more with our Direct Your Destiny e-Package. Our Direct Your Destiny e-package helps you increase your self-awareness and make the most of your fate. Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo offer vital, yet sensible and practical spiritual guidance and tools, including their Spiritual Detox and Let Go MP3 meditation audios. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 13 Other Spiritual Laws Besides the Law of Attraction. Website: They are the authors of Your Love Life and Reincarnation: Why The Past Is Affecting Your Present and How To Fix It. More Articles by Scott and Stephen Petullo Fate vs Free Will How to Spiritually Block Someone Why Sex is More Challenging for the Spiritually Sensitive Sex and Spirituality - Why Great Sex is Rare The Seven Most Disappointing Love Life Realities 17 Dating Tips for Mystics 13 Other Spiritual Laws Beyond the Law of Attraction
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