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    Lucky Days and Hours for Scorpio

    By Keith Abbott

    If you were born between October 24th and November 22nd, your Zodiac sun sign is Scorpio the Scorpion. You probably know your sign's basic Horoscope, but did you know that as a Scorpio, certain days and hours of every month are Lucky just for you? Find out when you will have good fortune just for being born under Scorpio.

    Birth Day Calculation

    Your Birthday number is the date of the month you were born on, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition. For example, senator Hillary Clinton was born on October 26th 1947, so her Birthday number is (8) as shown below.

    Birthday = (Day part of your birth date) = (26) = (2 + 6) = (8)

    The Birth Day number values, and their affects on your Scorpio Horoscope are shown below.

    Birth Day (1) - Blatant

    You tend to be far too loud and obvious in your actions for most people's taste. A little discretion on your part would be helpful to you and your friends.

    Birth Day (2) - Self-critical

    You are way too much of a perfectionist; don't beat yourself up too much when you do make the occasional mistake. Excepting yourself, you take everything in stride; nothing phases you.

    Birth Day (3) - Jealous

    You have a tendency to be jealous; usually it's unwarranted. You also have a tenacity which can become a real strength for you. Just don't use it for the wrong reasons.

    Birth Day (4) - Vindictive

    You tend to be a cruel and vengeful adversary when crossed. Don't take every challenge personally, or you will find yourself with few true friends.

    Birth Day (5) - Secretive

    You hide things just for the sake of hiding them. Being a little suspicious of other people is natural, but you take it to extremes. For your own sake, take your partner into your confidence; don't keep secrets from them.

    Birth Day (6) - Kind Hearted

    You understand the old adage; "To err is human, to forgive divine." You have a kind heart and understand that people make mistakes, and can learn from them.

    Birth Day (7) - Charismatic

    You have a magnetic personality; and people are drawn to you. You also have a tendency not to share your friends with others, which you need to learn to overcome.

    Birth Day (8) - Uncontrollable

    You are very strong willed, and difficult to control. People find it very difficult to understand you, and they tend to dislike you for it. Others recognize your need for freedom of action.

    Birth Day (9) - Psychic Gift

    You have an intuitive knowledge of psychic nature that you may not admit to, but it is there. Call it reincarnation, gut feelings, or attuned to the universe, you know how to fit the pieces of a problem together without even thinking about it. You probably really frustrated your parents with this.

    Scorpios and the Moon

    There is a direct correlation between how far into the period of Scorpio you were born and your lucky times of the Moon.

  • Scorpios born between October 24th and October 30th, the first phase of Scorpio are extra lucky during the days of the new Moon.
  • Those born in the next phase, between October 31st and November 8th will be extra lucky when the Moon is in its second quarter.
  • Scorpios born during the sign's third phase from November 9th through November 16th, are luckiest during the days of the full Moon.
  • And lastly, Scorpios born between November 17th and November 22nd are more lucky during the Moon's fourth quarter.

  • Scorpios' Lucky Calendar Days

    Scorpios' ruling planet is Pluto which has a numerological value of (3). In addition, Scorpios celestial number from numerology is (5). Summing these two values gives us a total of (8).

    The number (8) has a special affinity for people born under Scorpio and is associated with lucky times for them. Scorpios will have extra good fortune on those days in the month when the total of the day's digits works out to eight.

    Accordingly, the following days of each month are extra lucky for Scorpios: the 8th, 17th, and 26th.

    Scorpios will also be blessed in games of chance where they can play the number (8). The 8th horse in a horse race, or the 8th race at the track will bring them good fortune.

    Lucky Hours for Scorpios

    Scorpios are most fortunate each day when the planet Pluto is ruling the heavens. This hour occurs at different times each day of the week. To determine your lucky hours, find out when sunrise comes, and then add the appropriate values from the table below.

    Sunday: Scorpios lucky hours will fall on the 7th, 14th, and 21st hours past sunrise.

    Monday: Scorpios lucky hours will fall on the 4th, 11th, and 18th hours past sunrise.

    Tuesday: Scorpios lucky hours will fall on the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd hours past sunrise.

    Wednesday: Scorpios lucky hours will fall on the 5th, 12th, and 19th hours past sunrise.

    Thursday: Scorpios lucky hours will fall on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd hours past sunrise.

    Friday: Scorpios lucky hours will fall on the 6th, 13th, and 20th hours past sunrise.

    Saturday: Scorpios lucky hours will fall on the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th hours past sunrise.


    Sunrise lasts only 2 to 5 mins.

    Example: If sunrise is at 6:40 am, what time is 4 hours past sunrise? Answer: 10:40 am (+/- 2 to 5 Mins).

    You can find daily sunrise in your city at www.timeanddate.com/sun/

    Scorpios and Partners

    Many games involve playing with a partner. As a Scorpio, your most fortunate partnerships will be with people who have one of the following matching signs: Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, or Scorpio.

  • Free Numerology Birth Date Lucky Numbers Calculator

  • Lucky Horoscopes for Scorpio

  • Your Birth Month - What does it say about you?

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