NEW Metaphysical Books at Amazon
Lucky Days and Hours for Each Sign
Calculate your Birth Date Lucky Numbers
How to Attract Luck Using Gifts from the Earth
Lucky Days of the Week by Zodiac Sign
Books to Help Improve Your Luck
Liquid Luck: The Good Fortune Handbook Highly Recommend!
The Geometry of Wealth
Can You Learn to Be Lucky? Why Some People Seem to Win More Often Than Others .
365 Ways to Attract Good Luck
Feeling is the Secret
Manifesting Miracles
Your Invisible Power
Numerology: Divination & Numerology
Dowsing for Beginners: How to Find Water, Wealth & Lost Objects
This is actually an older book (2012) but is a good one for teaching the basics of dowsing.
It took me years of hit and miss to feel confident about the answers I was getting.
I stick with just the "yes, no, or maybe" because I wanted simple and quick. With that alone, you can narrow down the lottery numbers.
I've successfully used it to win a box Pick 3, BUT it takes an hour or more to go through all the numbers. You need patience if you haven't been doing this regularly.
I wrote an article on this method for LottoWorld Magazine (now defunct) on how to win the lottery and will put it online soon. You could probably find a lesson on YouTube, too.
Beginning Magic Money: A Course in Creating Abundance, Book One
How to Get Lucky 13 techniques for discovering and taking advantage of life's good breaks
The Luck Factor: Why Some People Are Luckier Than Others and How You Can Become One of Them
Luck: Understanding Luck and Improving the Odds
Luck Is No Accident: Making the Most of Happenstance in Your Life and Career
Understanding and Calculating the Odds
Spell For Good Luck: Raise Your Good Fortunes
Think and Grow Rich An updated classic by Napoleon Hill that many successful and lucky people have read.
Your Handwriting Can Change Your Life! (I used this book's methods and it truly has worked in my life - Tara) Wall Street and Witchcraft: An investigation into extreme and unusual investment techniques.
Lucky Numbers Books
7 Steps to Creating Success With Lucky Numbers A Practical Guide To Leverage The Power Of Numerology For Wealth, Fame, and Success
The Universe Has A Number The Numerology Guide For Beginners And Discovering Numbers That Resonates With Your Future, Money, Career, Love And Destiny - Paperback