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Gemstones for Relationships By Michael Katz of Gemisphere
If you want to open your heart to more love, or have had difficulties with love, or want to heal that
broken heart once and for all, now is the time! Gemisphere offers these ten necklaces guaranteed to help
you create the love that makes hearts sing and the sun shine more brightly - a gift you can give yourself or
someone you truly care about.
Healing the Emotions
Radiant Ruby opens the heart and reveals divine love at the core of every molecule in creation. Become a
vehicle through which divine love can enter your life and touch all those around you. Powerful, beautiful,
amazing Ruby!
Raw Ruby

Healing the Heart
If you've ever had a broken heart, Ruby Rose will call to you. This gentle necklace heals
the wounds of lifetimes of pain, as it soothes, mends and strengthens the heart. Release
the heaviness and help your heart find better balance with this lovely gift of Ruby.

Finding Inner Peace
Build the inner strength and awaken the most tender and playful part of you! This
lovely blessing nurtures, heals and comforts you while it repairs and rebuilds
any part of your emotional foundation that needs strengthening.

Purifying the Emotions
Emotional limitations take flight in the presence of purifying Roselle. Now you
can have the personal growth and happiness that comes with the release of emotional
limitations and suppressed feelings. Let the love flow with rare, natural pink Roselle.

Developing Inner Freedom
If love were a storm, it would be Rhodochrosite! This gentle tempest of a gemstone
sweeps away any negative patterns and emotional clutter that could hold you back
from your own natural brilliance. Rhodochrosite has the power to help you transform
your life and truly become the being of love you are meant to be.

Magic Gift
The wholeness of love and self-confidence combine as one in this magical necklace.
Powerful Ruby and transforming Rhodochrosite join forces in Magic Gift to increase
self-love and let your spiritual essence shine through. A gift indeed!

Balanced Change
Transformational Rhodochrosite is accelerated by the rainbow energy of Quartz. As
your overall energy is raised, all life signifies your beauty and brings you to a
new level of appreciation for all you have to give. Welcome the joys that change
can bring.

Stabilizing the Emotions
Where is a kind word when you need it? Where is a soothing touch and healing
heart? It is all right here with the miracle of Rhodonite. Instantly soothing
and uplifting, Rhodonite transforms your emotional foundation and lifts you up
where you belong!

Mother of Pearl
Stirring Primordial Memory
Let the divine love flow through you and fill every need you have ever had.
Sweet, dear Mother of Pearl delivers every promise she makes! Listen to the
song that divine love sings to your heart though the magic of Mother of Pearl.
Soul Mates & Twin Souls Books