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    By Kim McGrigg (Libra)

    Money Management International

    Does your Date of Birth impact your 1040?

    "What's your sign?" is not a question you typically expect to hear from your accountant. Yet according to a recent survey by Money Management International (MMI), tax time can be very different for consumers born under different sun signs.

    For example, the MMI survey found that Libras expecting a refund, plan to receive an average refund of $2,200, while Aries are expecting a significant $800 less.

    So, if you are like the 70 million Americans who start the day off by reading their horoscope, you may want to look to the stars for insight on what's in store for your financial future, particularly as tax day approaches.

    Some of MMI's sign-specific findings include:

    Aries (March 21-April 20) Those born under this Fire sign expect the smallest refunds ($1,400). They plan to save (46%) or pay debts (32%).

    Taurus (April 21-May 21) Taurus is an Earth sign, associated with practicality. Those born under this sign are the least likely to expect a refund. Of consumers who expect to receive a refund, only 6% were born under this sign.

    Gemini (May 22-June 21) Generally known to be logical, Gemini are the most likely to over-withhold on purpose.

    Cancer (June 22-July 23) Protective Cancers are not likely to splurge with their refunds. Of those consumers who plan to splurge, less than 1% were born under this Water sign.

    Leo (July 24-August 23) Generous Leos are more likely than those born under most other signs to spend their refunds. Of those who plan to splurge, nearly 20% are Leos.

    Virgo (August 24-September 23) Practical Virgos are still deciding how to spend their expected tax refunds. In fact, more Virgos than those born under any other sign were “undecided?? about what to do with their refunds (14%).

    Libra (September 24-October 23) Known for balance, Libras surprisingly expect the largest refunds (an average of $2,200).

    Scorpio (October 24-November 22) Scorpios are characterized as being passionate. Of those who plan to splurge with their tax refund, one out of four is a Scorpio.

    Sagittarius (November 23-December 21) Sagittarians are known for being optimistic and are not likely to save their refunds. In fact, of those who plan to save, only 5% were born under this sign.

    Capricorn (December 22-January 20) Earth signs, like Capricorn, are associated with practicality. Appropriately, Capricorns are not likely to splurge with their refunds. In fact, of those who plan to splurge, less than 1% are Capricorns.

    Aquarius (January 21-February 19) Aquarius is an Air sign, associated with thought and perspective. Fifty-eight percent of surveyed Aquarians expecting a refund plan to use it to pay down debts.

    Pisces (February 20-March 20) Idealistic Pisces are the least likely to save. In fact, of all those who plan to save, less than 5% are Pisces.

    The MMI tax refund survey was conducted by phone in February 2007 by Knowledge-Based Marketing. There were a total of 1,048 respondents. Results were weighted by demographics so they are representative of the US population as a whole.

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