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President Bush's StarsBy Dr. Louis Turi
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United State Leader – President Bush's Stars
Like many world leaders, President Bush's natal Dragon's Head is located in the dual sign of Gemini (the chameleon) bringing the option for adaptation and protection of the US affairs, and the gift of balance to administrate the country efficiently. The thinking process of a soul born in July is geared towards the critical hard working sign of Virgo and brings a good sense of detail to the psyche of President Bush. The mind is also concerned with health, nature, mysticism, the arts, children, technology and international laws. However with Mars (Lord of war) in his 3rd house of communication, directness and aggression is also present. President Bush was born with the head and tail of the Dragon in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis (see The Power of the Dragon for more information).
In 2003/4 the great Dragon's Head will cruise through his 11th house of wishes and friends through the economic sign of Taurus. This will bring support from foreign powers, resulting in financial opportunities and growth to the US. The security-oriented sign of Taurus will also bring progressive changes to the areas of banking, and stability to its allies and the US population. Born with a Dragon's Head in in his 12th house (hidden power) and like many leaders, in the sign of Gemini, President Bush' stars support great gifts in communication and leadership to the US. Some allergies, heart and back problems could affect him. Mars (The Lord of war) indicates where danger can enter the subject's life. Mars is located in his 3rd house of secret enemies in the sign of Virgo. An accident to the head while commuting in foreign lands is common with this configuration, if the Universal Law of the Moon is omitted.
Negative: The negative Tail of the Dragon in Scorpio will reside in his 5th house of children and speculation involving secret religious groups, financial endeavors, or his secret police. The loss of many American and foreign children due to war is often the result of the tail in the 5th. He will also be forced by the Tail of the dragon to lose a close family member within the next 2 years AND COULD BECOME HIMSELF A VICTIM OF HIS OWN TAIL BY ASSASSINATION.
Mars (war) will enter the nuclear sign of Aquarius in April 22nd, 2003 and conjunct his 8th house of death and could induce a sudden death, explosions or another terrorist aeronautical disaster to the US. This could also bring forth an emotional response that could affect President Bush's judgment involving nuclear use. Violent Mars could bring explosions to the US if diplomacy does not prevail with his internal political affairs and all affairs involving the Middle East and its allies. This Mars impact could also bring serious natural disasters and earthquakes to the US and cause heavy casualties.
The Moon plays an important part of the country's security and general welfare, depicts the domestic scenery, and is the subject's emotional response to life. President Bush was born with a diplomatic moon in Libra located in his 4th house, predisposing a need to bring peace via war to the country. This moon could also benefit the US aims with other political powers. President Bush's emotional desires are for justice, the reinforcement of international laws, religious aims, technological progress, harmony, wealth, security, education, and building his country towards more power. President Bush's legacy for peace, education, electronic development and security will be memorable for the US's future generations
His Sagittarius Dragon's Tail (religion/laws) could induce serious stress even drama from foreign powers especially from the Middle East, Japan, Spain, New Zealand or Australia and its allies. All affairs related to religions and foreign secret police activities will induce negative development in the fate of President Bush. As always, the negative Scorpio Dragon's Tail supports the growth of secret terrorist activities against the US and its allies. This could bring about danger with secret enemies or his secret police, as of April 14th, 2003 until December 26th, 2004. The Dragon's Tail of the year will become dangerous in foreign lands and foreign affairs for President Bush on the Full Moons of June 2003/4 and on February 22nd, November 7th, and December 4th 2003/4.
Bio: Like the great prophet, Nostradamus, Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence, France. He was influenced by Nostradamus' methods of Divine Astrology and spent many years reviving the Seer's rare method. He grew up speaking the same now disappearing dialect. In 1976 he received the highest distinction Musicianship Award Cup and graduated from the Royal School of Music in London. He moved to the US in 1984 and has since established himself as a successful astrologer, author, and lecturer. In 1993 he received a metaphysical Doctorate from the Progressive Universal Life Church based in Sacramento, California. His notoriety skyrocketed after rekindling, practicing and teaching Nostradamus' rare Divine Astrology method, which he calls Astropsychology. He has also appeared on numerous radio and television programs worldwide. Dr. Turi is known for the hundreds of accurate predictions he makes.