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    Numerology and Master Numbers

    By Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo
    Website: spiritualgrowthnow.com

    Authors of Your Love Life and Reincarnation: Why The Past Is Affecting Your Present and How To Fix It


    Master numbers include double digit numbers 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. They are called Master Numbers because there is inherent masterful, or extraordinary promise symbolized by them. This energy is far from mundane and instead largely other- dimensional.

    Therein resides the catch: These numbers represent energy that is not of this every-day plane of existence. It's very spiritual and therefore, unpredictable and hard to handle. More often than not, those with many Master Numbers in key positions in the comprehensive charts experience deeper life challenges than other people.

    They usually have more charisma and are more likely to gain recognition and honor relating to their area of focus due to regularly accessing unusual wavelengths and naturally thinking outside of the box, yet so often they gain infamy, notoriety and suffer major set-backs.

    The more Master Numbers a person has, the more likely they are to be seen as outsiders, outcasts, and even insane. They frequently isolate themselves from ordinary people and they are miserable if they try to fit into society and live a "normal" life. They must have tolerance, strength of mind to follow their heart, and compassion for the many who reject them due to their atypical viewpoints and other-worldly way of viewing reality. Also, an at least somewhat holistic way of living (especially diet) helps them cope with their unusual sensitivity.

    Everyone has key lessons with which their souls have chosen to challenge them in order to learn while incarnated on earth. Those with more Master Numbers than others usually encounter more burdens and challenges. Most people have at least one Master Number in the hundreds of positions in their comprehensive charts, either as a natal consideration, or a cycle of time.

    Our Numerology Decoder Software correctly calculates Master Numbers, can tell you where in your basic charts you have them and what they mean in those positions.

    Master Numbers are more appropriately called "Double Trouble Numbers," as they are rarely easy to live up to; there is usually more to accomplish, and more karma to balance. But there is ultimately more reward, even though it's often more spiritual (on a soul level) instead of mundane (personality level). Those with a higher than average number of Master Numbers must strive for purity in thought, intent, and action, as anything less will take them down.

    Often, those with heavy Master Number energy are shunned and rejected because they are so different and rub the wrong way those who don't like change and progressive ideas.

    As with any number, there is a balanced, under-balanced, and over-balanced side to each Master Number. For example, excessive over-balanced 22 energy can indicate someone operating from a base of dark energy, such as an uncompromising, violent, international criminal, like Giuseppe Antonio Doto (otherwise known as Joe Adonis, mob Boss and a leader in the U.S. Underworld before he was deported to Italy in the early 1950's). An extreme example of a person with over-balanced Master Number energy is Kenneth Bianchi (known as the Hillside Strangler; he murdered 10 women in 1977/ 1978 and was sentenced to life in prison). Neurosis is par for the course with out of control 22 energy.

    Under-balanced 22 energy often represents insanity, an entirely impractical viewpoint, and total inefficiency. Balanced 22 energy is tremendously materially rewarding, is far-reaching, and benefits the masses. There is also the reduced, earthbound form of each Master Number (4 in the case of 22: 2+2=4), which is most often lived within when the person lacks the supportive energy to maintain the Master Number energy. Many switch back and forth between mundane and Master Number energy, and some live on the higher level more often than others.

    Rarely does a person with many Master Numbers incarnate and, from the beginning, live the balanced side of the numbers. It's standard to ride the full spectrum of experiences, even risking their lives and bringing great trouble to their loved ones and themselves, before settling into a productive, healthy mode of action. Experience is why people incarnate, and "bad" experiences will forever exist, as long as people are here on Earth to balance karma. Furthermore, one must understand the full continuum of energy associated with any particular Master Number before they can live within its highest form.

    Just as those with much Master Number energy will offer unusual ideas and solutions (realistic and productive, or half-baked depending on the rest of the patterns in the comprehensive charts), it's also common for them to see and accurately interpret the signs in everyday life that surround each one of us since they have a natural, dual connection to the here and now and the indefinable dimensions. They are in two places (sometimes more than two) at once. This is what frequently makes life so difficult for them. They are surprisingly free of limitations in mind and spirit, yet the reality of this earth pins them down. Part of their struggle on Earth is because they are very much "from elsewhere" and have a tough time becoming acclimated to fundamental Earth dimension energy. They are not used to being burdened with the laws of this dimension, or perhaps the memory of the energy of the unseen planes is still too real for them.

    Extremes are built into Master Numbers, for better or worse, often touching many individuals. They reflect non-earthly inspiration and ideas, either bringing great light, or immeasurable darkness. Instability, unpredictability, idealism, restlessness, acute sensitivity, non-traditional behavior, volatility (think Jack Nicholson in some of his more dramatic roles), intense creativity and charisma, leadership ability, and nervous tension are hallmarks of those with an above average number of Master Numbers (in potent chart positions).

    The 7 Wonders of the ancient world (such as the Great Pyramid) are symbolic of the type of magnificence built into Master Number energy. But remember, there is just as much downside as upside in any Master Number as it's a bridge to a potent energy foreign to this dimension.

    Some great examples of known individuals with heavy Master Number energy applied in a positive way (in various, prominent positions in the comprehensive charts) include the following:

    *Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine

    *Mick Jagger, lead singer of the Rolling Stones, arguably the greatest (and most profitable) Rock and Roll band of all time.

    *Keith Richards, guitarist of the Rolling Stones.

    *Robert Plant, lead singer of Led Zeppelin, one of the greatest Rock and Roll bands of all time.

    *Bill Blass, one of the most celebrated and influential American clothing designers.

    *Ray Bradbury, American writer of over 50 books and known as the a master of sci-fi and fantasy; awarded Grand Master Nebula Award and Writer's Guild Award.

    *Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Scottish writer and creator of the modern detective story and the characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.

    *Doris Duke, American Heiress, one of the wealthiest people in the U.S. in the early 1980's and a notable philanthropist.

    *Sir Laurence Olivier, British actor, director, and producer; considered by many to be the greatest actor of the 20th century.

    *Meryl Streep, American actress, considered to be one of the best actors of her generation (11 Oscar nominations).

    Copyright Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

    Author Info - Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980's. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic. spiritualgrowthnow.com

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