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    Numerology Compatibility Secrets Part II

    By Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo, The Mystic Twins
    Website: spiritualgrowthnow.com

    Eons ago, truth seekers and spiritualists recognized that numbers represent qualities as well as quantities.

    Number mysticism, the ancient and more complex form of today's modern numerology, is one sure-fire divination method to discern personality and compatibility.

    Everyone has unique strengths and problematic traits, and remarkably, those traits are represented in the astrological and numerological patterns (over-balanced and under-balanced forms of each number).

    Granted, learning comprehensive astrology and numerology is like learning foreign languages; it takes time and discipline. However, you can get clues about personality and compatibility through basic number symbolism, as long as you realize that there is no "this (one single factor) equals that (a specific personality trait)," and final conclusions must be corroborated with supporting patterns.

    Of course, there are those exceedingly psychic individuals who are able to use single factors as touchstones to consistently get accurate reads, but those people are atypical.

    The day of birth (e.g., June 7th) is one of the more popular indicators in modern numerology, and also can be used effectively for signs about a person's overall temperament and how they appear to others.

    Since this is an introduction to numerology and compatibility, we'll group all the day of month numbers together that have the same root number:

    1, 10, 19

    2, 11, 20

    3, 12, 30

    4, 13, 22, 31

    5, 14, 23

    6, 15, 24

    7, 16, 25

    8, 17, 26

    9, 18, 27.

    The reason 7, 16, and 25, for instance, are grouped together is that the root number of 16 and 25 is 7 (16=1+6=7, 25=2+5=7). 7, 16, and 25 share a lot of the same qualities having the same root number. Non-root numbers are an area of advanced study. Every number is unique.

    Illustrating extreme over-balanced or under-balanced forms of numbers helps to learn the related energies.

    Below we highlight compatibility issues with each of the root numbers one through nine. A single number heavily recurring throughout the patterns in the personal charts can make a person seem a lot like one of the root numbers illustrated below. Otherwise, most people's patterns in their personal charts include a mix of several numbers, making them appear like more than one number.

    1 The problem with two ones is that they can't both be ones at the same time and get along, unless their energy is perfectly balanced. Two impatient, intolerant, and headstrong people may find it difficult to be together. If balanced, one tends to gravitate to eight, sometimes nine and four, and always can get along with two, unless two is too fault-finding - an over-balanced trait of the two. One and seven get along if they spend most of their time apart, or at least if one gives seven lots of space.

    2 Although two gets along with almost anyone, she believes five lacks tact and may stray, and seven is reticent and seems too distant. A self-depreciating two mirrors the under-balanced one; this couple should be careful of too much modesty and others trying to take advantage of their good will. Two wins the award for keeping the peace among difficult people.

    3 Three can't stand seven's lack of communication and the fact that he always seems like his mind is somewhere else, like in outer space. She wants to enjoy life and the five and nine offers her a thrilling escape, until they get into trouble. Four is much too serious for three, and six can be too stuck in convention.

    4 Four loves one's efficiency and pragmatism, yet can't stand three's emotional volatility and nine's lack of discipline. She appreciates six's reliability and seven's mental instead of emotional disposition. But she loathes five's recklessness and restlessness, who goes through romantic partners like some people go through shoes.

    5 Five would like four to be more flexible, but appreciates four's affinity for physical activity. He wonders how six can be happy while being so traditional. Five likes adventure and to experience all things in life. She makes a good partner to nine, unless they both like too much of a good thing. Five is willing to commit to two, as long as five is permitted some discrete freedom.

    6 Nobody is more responsible than six, but few also have such high expectations in romance and partnerships. Eight can deliver and makes six happy as long as six doesn't demand regular endearments because that's not eight's style. It is two's and sometimes three's style, so they get along well with six. Six steers clear of thrill-seeking five, and especially seven. The phrase "sixes and sevens" certainly does apply in numerology - the two numbers are like water and oil together. Six is family, emotions, affection, and teamwork, and seven is meditation, spiritual work, solitude, and "We spent yesterday together so I need some space now, thanks."

    7 Seven can be happy with anyone, as long as they don't live in the same house. Seven may as well be married to God, as he loves solitude more than anyone. He's never alone, and can call up his other-dimensional friends at any time. He's always working on something, often doing other-dimensional work. Seven is familiar with the deeper, spiritual side of relationships and tires of others failing to recognize that relationships have a higher purpose, beyond companionship, sentiment, sex, and mundane concerns. Seven sees (and intuitively knows), for example, how person A has person B in her life to learn specific karmic lessons. Five would like seven to be more daring, and five makes seven uneasy, unless they are drinking together. Seven likes four's stability, but not his avoidance of spirituality. Seven avoids the melodramatic three - he is alarming to the serene seven.

    8 Eight as a successful businessman with a seven wife can be trouble. When he's not building his empire, he wants to spend time with her but the lights are on and nobody is home, or so he thinks. She's mentally and spiritually at a symposium in a higher dimension, but physically appears to be asleep with her eyes open. She can't stand the small talk at the functions he drags her to, and would rather be with her psychic friends who eight calls "cosmonauts." He sometimes wishes his wife were more like the two (eager to please) or four (grounded and practical).

    9 Nine has a blast traveling the world with five, and is considering a spiritual retreat with seven. He's very open-minded so clashes with, four, six and eight, but only if they are expressing the over-balanced energies of four, six, and eight. Nine helps one, but one gets tired of nine being a wanderer with his buddy five. Nine attracts the finest money can buy, but often times it doesn't last. What does endure is nine's inherent unconditional love.

    Though the language of comprehensive numerology is a discipline that takes as much time to learn as any foreign language, even basic number mysticism can give you a remarkable glimpse into human personality and compatibility.

    Gain insight about personality and timing with our Numerology Decoder Software

    Copyright Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

    Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980's. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic. Website: spiritualgrowthnow.com They are the authors of Your Love Life and Reincarnation: Why The Past Is Affecting Your Present and How To Fix It.

    Numerology Compatibility Secrets - Part 1

    The Spiritual Meanings of Numbers:
    How to Embrace the Synchronicities of Angel Numbers and Achieve the Magic of Manifestation

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