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Lucky Days and Hours for Leo
Use Your Life Path Number for Good Luck
For November 2024
(July 22 - August 23)
Horoscopes are based on Eastern Time.
Your Luck Factor:
10 - Most planets auspiciously
aspect your sun sign. Good luck abounds.
It's rare.
9 - Extremely lucky. Don't miss this opportunity!
8 - Very lucky!
7 - Odds are definitely still on your side.
6 - Lucky enough to at least try.
5 - Neutral luck.
4 - A shade unlucky.
3 - Fairly unlucky but there's still hope.
2 - Downright unlucky.
1 - Extremely unlucky. Caution.
0 - Nothing is ever this bleak.
There's always light in darkness. As bad as anything gets, the pendulum does swing again. Cycles.
Leo Lucky Horoscopes for NOVEMBER 2024 Intuitive Impression for a Leo who is finding themselves living with a relative intruding on your space. Although it's planned to be temporary, this person wore out their welcome as soon as they stepped into your house. This wasn't your idea and you clash in all ways with this person. When they realize they won't get their way while pushing your needs aside and trying to rule the roost, they will finally give up and leave. So, stand your ground. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll be free of this person.
The Luckiest Leos this month were born August 7-14.
Your Luck Factor is 7 all month.
Your Luck Factor is 7/8 on your Luckiest Days this month:
November 2-6.
(Venus in Sagittarius/Jupiter in Gemini)
The UnLuckiest Leos this month were born August 16-18.
Your Luck Factor is 4/5 on your UnLuckiest Days this month:
November 14-19.
(Sun in Scorpio/Uranus in Taurus)
All Other Leos: Your Luck Factor is 6/7 on your Luckiest Days this month:
November 1-11 and 21-30.
(Sun/Venus in Sagittarius)
Leo Lucky Numbers for November: 5, 10, 11, 14, 18, 28. Or, use your personal Daily Numerology Lucky Numbers Calculator (Recommended)
Leo's Lucky Numbers are typically considered to be 1, 3, 10, and 19.
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