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    The Alchemistry of the Divine Re-Union #4

    "Seeing Eye to Eye With The Divine Partner as Equal Master "

    Third Quarter Moon Meditation - January 5, 2002

    from Warriors of Peace
    Channeled with JoAnne Scalise

    Dear Friends in Light-

    Following is the fourth in the Alchemistry of the Divine ReUnion Series, and the first of 2002. This holds a wonderful physical vibration, and I respect the Openness and Integrity of the message.

    The first class on the Twin Ray Sacred Heart Alignments is planned for February 15, 16, 17 in Las Vegas (and yes, it was organized by Spirit for the traditional Valentine weekend). Seminar information can be found at Cradle Of Light .

    The commitment you have to your shared process contributes to the openings of the Universal Twin Ray Team. May you and all who seek it experience Completion in this lifetime.

    As you proceed on your Path, Remember--You are also the Divine Partner.

    Wishing you Every Blessing of the One Heart,
    JoAnne for the Twin Ray Team

    With EElijah, Lady Master Yolandra, Lady Master Morgan, ArkAngel Metatron, TO-BI-US, B'ZZAAN

    Plant your feet firmly, Beloved, and BE-LOVED. We are taking this journey, and it must be started, finished, and all the steps between, together. Our work now is the Ultimate Experience that we have chosen as focus for this Expression of Remembering and ReUnion in the space of Time Incarnate. In this Capricorn moon, we begin THE ASCENT.

    This ASCENT is a physical, mental, emotional, and virtual alignment of our bodies and selves of Light. And you see quite clearly that there is no up here or down there. We are Seeing Eye to Eye. And in this vision, we see only Love-Only Love. Has the precious Granite Ray ever been so soft, so welcoming, as it pours on and through us as Liquid Light? Close your physical eyes, and see me through your Third, Fourth, and Fifth Eyes, the Eyes of Spirit. How do you see me?

    Know that the Eyes are infinite, and your vision will ever improve until you may see Creation and all outcomes instantly and completely. The frontal bone of the skull vibrates now with your enhanced vision, and you may experience a humming resonance throughout your skull and brain, as the Granite Ray amps up and "locks on". The neuropeptides awakened by this Orchestral Light Movement allow you to see clearly and open to a physical Eternal Youthing. All is geared to Remember, and Ascend to our Perfection. The physical and etheric master glands now offer a "super balancing" through this shift to Mastery. And we shift easily, Together.

    The Granite Ray holds many secrets, Beloved, and much Power. Manifest with this Power and with Me as we explore. There is Alchemy here in the combination of colors and frequencies of Gold, Copper, and Earth tones. Note that these tones are both of color and of sound. See these tones, and hear their sounds. Allow your physical voice to open to the Sound. Feel the texture of this Ray on your tongue. While the Granite Ray projects from the Third Eye, it affects all aspects of the Electrolytic and Spirit Bodies. And these bodies shimmer in its radiance and increase in vibratory Light. Allow this rain of transformational Light to envelop us Now. Breathe in its Harmony, and breathe out Fear. You are already what you seek, and we are ever complete. I have never departed. And my magical role in this adventure is to trigger Mutual Remembering. The individual sparkings contribute to the Infinite Flame of the One. This Flame burns on our Altar as we ! are One before it.

    We are joined always with MotherFather God, and we consciously ask for and receive the Blessing of the One Heart, the Unity with Divine Masculine and Feminine EEnergies. We open to the focus and desire of the Spiritual and Earth Consortiums that parallel our movement. We become Alchemists of the Ascent in this moment, and we step forward Together.

    I hold you now in Devotional Love
    Cleansed and Purified by the Granite Ray
    Illusions removed, and Perfect Vision Remaining
    We see each other
    In this Lifetime.
    There is no hesitation
    No fear
    Worthiness is luminous as we stand in the mirror of our
    Divine Love.
    We are connected at our minds
    Our hearts
    And our very cells of Light Substance
    While we are showered with the Light of the Ray Granite

    Another Light
    Universal Source Substance
    The Alchemistry of Love
    Spherical in its Infinite Nature
    EEmerges from each of our Infinite Eyes
    Until Our Light is merged
    And surrounds our Love
    Your physical nature holds no prison now
    You are Light-
    My reflection and memory of Source

    See me
    And be with me
    As you have throughout eternity

    Be with me
    As we explore the treasure of each other's heart
    See me
    As we dissolve and recreate in Bliss
    Merge with me
    In the devotion of Oneness
    Yield with me
    In the Passion of Our Sacred Heart
    Be with me

    Bless me
    Bless me
    Bless me

    And I must give words to the unspoken
    To the long shielded unknown:


    Forgive me
    For this separation

    Forgive me
    For the challenges of incarnate reality

    Forgive me

    I kneel in the warm rain of your absolution
    And immerse in this joyful release and ReConnection
    As I AM forgiven and Forgiveness

    Bless me
    With your Courage and your Love

    Intend me
    That we may share Infinity of Experience

    See me
    As your Reflecting Spark

    Be with me
    As I AM forever with you

    Be One with Me.

    What Harmonious Power in Equal Mastery!
    What Passionate Freedom in your Liquid Radiance!
    What EEmotion to Be SEEN

    And Loved.

    Be One with Me.

    MY ONE.

    Thank you Source for this incredible gifting that is You.

    This Eternal Flame



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